WE 12.
7:30 PM


MUK.finals — 4th year students from the course in Contemporary and Classical Dance

Dance | Performance | Specials | Adults

To mark the completion of their course, this year’s graduates from the MUK’s Contemporary and Classical Dance degree course perform an evening of contemporary choreography.
ARTICULATION is a performance comprised of several sections, a format which allows the dancers to demonstrate their artistic versatility. The pieces are choreographed and rehearsed by Esther Balfe and Manfred Aichinger (MUK course tutors), along with guest choreographers Veza Maria Fernandez and Alberto Cissello, through a collaborative process with the six dancers.
The MUK’s dance courses aim to develop students’ all-round dance skills, foster stylistic flexibility, and encourage artistic and creative independence. For MUK graduates, this opens up a broad range of professional opportunities in the contemporary dance field.
Presented by: Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK)

Mit Clarissa Beisteiner, Elias Habegger, Gina Remund, Magdalena Schütz, Michael Voit und Zoe Wagner.

Ticket prices:
  • Einheitspreis - freie Sitzplatzwahl
  • Parterre | 20,00 €
  • Galerie | 15,00 €
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