Notation versus Improvisation | Curated by Gerald Preinfalk
Chamber music | New music | Concert | Adults
The saxophone can play much more than jazz. But to bring this out fully requires composers who are ready to write works which set new challenges for the instrument. Bernhard Lang is one such composer, and he is also a friend of Gerald Preinfalk. Lang often works with sampling and loops, and also creates new material with the help of computer programmes devised to adhere to particular rules. In 2017 he composed his “écriture 6′ for soprano saxophone”. Preinfalk gives this piece its premiere performance, and supplements it with his own fully scored composition “IG-Series 1.0” , assisted by Irén Seleljo on piano. In the second part of the concert Gerald Preinfalk, Georg Vogel and Lukas König improvise on some pre-composed themes. These fixed sections function as islands in a musical sea, while the players explore the surrounding waters like pioneering divers. A concert where scored music and improvisation come together: perceptions are, sharpened, boundaries are observed, and differences blur. And the musicians gift the audience with the material to conjure up their own mental images.
Media partner: DER STANDARD
BERNHARD LANG Écriture 6 für Sopransax Solo
GERALD PREINFALK „IG-Series 2.0“ (Uraufführung), Improvisationen
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