TH 10.
7:30 PM
Postponed – new date TBA
MUK tanzt juniors


Preparatory Course in Dance

Dance | Specials | Children | Young people | Adults

This production showcases the sheer exuberance and talent of young dancers from the Preparatory Course in Dance at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK). The programme offers audiences a glimpse into the many aspects of dance training which MUK offers. It features a diverse selection of pieces from the various dance disciplines taught: classical dance and improvisation, contemporary dance, historical dance, character dance, acrobatic dance and rhythmic dance. The choreographies evolved through a creative process in which Preparatory Course in Dance teaching staff — Margit Legler, Lucian Necsea, Nora Schnabl-Andritsch, Jolantha Seyfried, Nina Swoboda, Vera-Viktoria Szirmay and Marijke Wagner, together with guest teacher Matilde Ceron — worked side-by-side with the young dancers under their tutelage.

Ticket prices:
  • Einheitspreis
  • Parterre | 18,00 €
  • Galerie | 14,00 €
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