WE 10.
7:30 PM
Timna Brauer


Sabbath songs and Sabbath stories

World Music | Lieder & singing | Literature | Concert | Young people | Adults

“And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made …” In the Jewish faith, one of the most important of the Ten Commandments is to rest on Saturdays. From days past — under Roman rule, in Moorish Spain, in the Jewish shtetlekh of Eastern Europe — right up to the present-day in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world, the Sabbath is observed every single week. It offers time for purification and contemplation; time to get together with family and friends,and time for music-making. Through stories, psalms and songs, Timna Brauer, accompanies by her daughter Jasmin, invites the audience into the family circle, so that we can all celebrate this festive day together. A thrilling exploration of ancient musical traditions from Europe and the Orient.

Geschichten, Psalmen und Gesängen aus der jüdischen Liturgie

Timna Brauer Gesang und Gitarre
Jasmin Meiri-Brauer Gesang und Perkussion
Jannis Raptis Gitarre
Ticket prices:
  • Kategorie A | 42,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 38,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 32,00 €
  • Loge | 50,00 €
  • Junges MuTh bis 26 Jahre
  • Kategorie A | 22,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 17,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 11,00 €
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