Group singing for parents-to-be and families with babies and young children
Chamber music | Choral music | Concert | Education | 0-3 | Children | Family | Parent & baby
Singing together has a calming effect. It can strengthen relationships and build trust. In addition, singing exercises encourage bodily awareness and improve breathing. And best of all – singing is something that anyone can do. That has been the experience of singing teacher Giti Huber. She has spent years working with people who are new to singing, including her involvement in “1. Wiener ich kann nicht singen Chor” (“Vienna City I can’t sing’ Choir). Through a variety of simple exercises, she soon makes sure that everyone forgets their shyness and discovers the joy of singing.
Over the course of these MAMMA PAPA MIA sessions, new parents and parents-to-be learn cradle songs and children’s songs from all kinds of sources, including Mozart, Lalelu, and Latin American folk music. Accompanied by a small ensemble, they get to sing modern songs designed to make children’s daily lives a little easier and a bit more fun: songs for bath-time, songs for cleaning your teeth, and songs to comfort children when they’re unhappy. So aunts and uncles, grandparents and friends are all very welcome to come along and join in the singing. The children’s brothers and sisters can also come down to MAMMA PAPA MIA and enjoy a room filled with music. Unborn children can hear too, and later on these tunes will be associated with the feeling of safety in the mother’s womb. So singing – especially during pregnancy – is an enriching experience for both mother and child.
At the end of the session you can sit back, relax and enjoy a short concert with a lot of musical variety.
Musik von MOZART, RAVEL, PIAZZOLLA bis Techno, Volksmusik aus Lateinamerika bis Russland, von Lalelu bis Lieder zum Baden, Trösten und Kitzeln
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