WE 19.
10:00 AM


Music for fast fingers | CLOSE UP contemporary music at close quarters – curated by Irene Suchy

New music | Performance | Concert | Education | 8+ | Young people | Adults | School, secondary level

The first functioning devices were constructed in the early 19th century. It only took on its actual form and function, which we still recognise today, at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century. The distinctive sounds associated with this machine may no longer be familiar: the striking noises, the chime signalling the end of the line, the whirring and rattling of the platen, the clicking of the lever as it moved – altogether, an arsenal of percussive noises imbued with musical qualities. Together with flautist Eric Lamb and pianist Nora Skuta, percussionist Rupert Struber has dedicated an entire programme to this enchanting device, which of course includes the classic of all typewriter compositions, Leroy Anderson’s “The Typewriter”.

The typewriter, an invention of the arms manufacturer Remington, is also a feminist issue; the “typing lady” – smartly dressed and with the posture of a piano player – was first seen as a threat because writing and working in the administration room was no longer a male domain. However, there was a swift effort by some men to deny women the opportunity to engage in literary production Typing was reduced to a poorly compensated, undervalued occupation for women. As a tangent in the concert, we encounter Arnold Schönberg, who, interestingly, also invented a typewriter!

œnm – œsterreichisches ensemble fuer neue musik
Rupert Struber Schlagwerk
Eric Lamb Flöte
Nora Skuta Klavier
Ticket prices:
  • SchülerInnen | 6,00 €
  • zwei Begleitpersonen pro Gruppe
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