SU 08.
4:00 PM
Gute Hirten


Christmas with the Vienna Boys Choir

Choral music | Vienna Boys' Choir | Concert | Family

Shepherds play an important part in the Christmas story. They may have been just “simple folk”, but they were the first to hear of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds in the Bible represent all mankind. Each one of us can and should identify with them. The Good Shepherds have become a Christmas tradition here at MuTh. At the Vienna Boys Choir’s Christmas concert, the different campus choirs perform enchanting motets and songs, both a cappella and with orchestral accompaniment. This year’s concert highlights include Jan Dismas Zelenka’s “Magnificat” and Johann Sebastian Bach’s iconic chorale “Jesus bleibet meine Freude” (Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring). As always, the audience is encouraged to join in the festive spirit: everyone is welcome to sing along to a selection of beloved Christmas carols. That’s how a single concert becomes a festival of music for all the family.

Wiener Sängerknaben Chor
Manuel Huber Kapellmeister
Chorus Juventus Chor
Daniel Erazo-Muñoz Kapellmeister
Oliver Stech Kapellmeister
Wiener Chormädchen Chor
Stefan Foidl Kapellmeister
Schubert-Akademie Orchester
Erasmus Baumgartner Künstlerische Leitung
Ticket prices:
  • Kategorie A | 72,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 66,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 59,00 €
  • VIP (Loge, erste Reihe): inkl. einem Glas Sekt, einem Programmheft und einer kleinen Erinnerung | 80,00 €
  • Junges MuTh bis 26 Jahre
  • Kategorie A | 25,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 20,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 14,00 €
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