MO 17.
7:30 PM
Sona MacDonald & Johannes Krisch


Sona MacDonald & Johannes Krisch

Chamber music | Literature | Concert | Reading | Adults

What are the links that bind lovers forever? What is it that separates them over time? Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway formed a little-known yet very intense relationship, a connection which endured until his death by suicide. Sona MacDonald and Johannes Krisch trace the story of the eccentric writer, his wife Martha Gellhorn, and his beloved correspondent Marlene Dietrich.

Sona MacDonald brings back to life legendary performers such as Billie Holiday, Lotte Lenya and Marlene Dietrich. Johannes Krisch specialises in strong character roles on film and stage, most recently in the highly successful film “Der Trafikant”. Philipp Jagschitz takes care of the music. A highly-charged production featuring three outstanding artists.

Johannes Krisch Rezitation
Sona MacDonald Rezitation
Philipp Jagschitz Klavier
Angelika Hager Dramaturgie und Textfassung
Ticket prices:
  • Kategorie A | 42,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 38,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 32,00 €
  • Loge | 50,00 €
  • Junges MuTh bis 26 Jahre
  • Kategorie A | 22,00 €
  • Kategorie B | 17,00 €
  • Kategorie C | 11,00 €
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